SMART Goal Setting Activity


Practice the Social Emotional Learning core competency of Self-management with this SMART goal setting activity.


GOAL: To practice creating specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-specific (SMART) goals.

Social and Learning Competencies: Self-management, self-awareness, responsible decision making

Materials Needed:

>>> “SMART Goal Setting Guide” printed, or visible via smart board

>>> “My SMART Goal” worksheet for all students/adults participating


From early Babylonian civilizations to ancient Romans, humans have engaged in goal-setting practices for over 4,000 years! Goal-setting is a practice that transcends age and culture and can have numerous researched benefits, including:  

  • Enhanced Motivation

  • Improved Performance

  • Improved Relationships & Health

  • An effective part of a mental health improvement plan to combat depression & anxiety (see also


How we set goals is just as important as what the goals are. When most of us think about goal setting, we think about New Year’s resolutions. As many as 45% of Americans say that they make New Year’s Resolutions, and only 8% successfully achieve their goals. 

While there are numerous reasons for goals failing to be actualized, research shows it is often the goal-setting method that can make or break one’s chances at success. One popular and proven method of setting goals is utilizing the acronym SMART. 

The SMART framework guides you through setting difficult yet achievable goals that have the ability to be measured and can encourage and motivate tangible and meaningful success. 


As a caring adult, we encourage you to start this activity by setting your own goals- Social Emotional Learning begins with YOU! Take a moment to reflect on some goals you have for yourself and write them out using this SMART goal-setting guide. From self-care goals to paying off student loan debt to spending more intentional time with loved ones- we are here to cheer you on as you crush your SMART goals! 

Now, take some time to share your goals with your student and help them create their own SMART goals using our downloadable goal-setting activity!

Teaching goal-setting strategies contributes to a student’s self-management skills while encouraging self-awareness and responsible decision-making—all of which are essential facets and competencies of Social-Emotional Learning . 

Now go crush those goals- and don’t forget to celebrate your wins!!


Download SMART Goals Worksheets