Friendzy Summer Hub

The friendzy summer Hub

Bring social and emotional learning home with these engaging activities designed to help students and caring adults practice social-emotional skills together.


Social And Emotional Character Development Starts At Home

Friendzy utilizes the following social-emotional learning framework in each lesson:

  1. Self-Awareness — The ability to recognize emotions, values, strengths, and limitations

  2. Self-Management — The ability to manage behaviors to achieve personal goals

  3. Responsible Decision Making — The ability to make constructive choices

  4. Social-Awareness — The ability to show understanding and empathy

  5. Relationships Skills — The ability to form relationships, work in teams and deal with conflict

We’ve curated a list of social and emotional learning activities designed for at-home use and organized them in easy to navigate categories. Whether you are looking for an afternoon craft, a game for family night or an activity that students can work on independently, we’ve got you covered. We’ve even curated a list of helpful articles and resources that will give you a greater understanding of social and emotional learning so that you can be better equipped to model and reinforce the skills, attitudes and behaviors that set students up for success. When we learn friendship, we learn it for life!


Access The Friendzy Summer Hub