Dream Board Activity

Dream Board Activity + Reflection

Dream boards are a creative and impactful way to help students develop essential social and emotional skills so they become more confident, resilient, and emotionally intelligent.


Dream boards offer a simple yet potent way to cultivate crucial social and emotional skills in students.

These boards help them connect with their dreams and aspirations while nurturing resilience and self-management. This visual reminder empowers students to believe in their ability to overcome obstacles and face challenges.

For this activity, you will need the following supplies:

  • Small poster board

  • Paper

  • Scissors

  • Glue sticks

  • Markers/pens

  • Magazines

  • Construction paper

  • Stickers


  1. Instructions for this activity are in the speaker notes.

  2. There are two versions of this activity.

    1. High School

    2. Middle School

  3. The provided slide deck offers an opportunity for reflection!


Download dream board activity:


Frances Fragela