Strengths Finder Poster & Handout

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Strengths Finder Poster & Handout

We all have strengths!


Studies have been done and show that students who are aware of their strengths have more motivation and success in addressing weaknesses.

This strengths chart is designed to help students be aware of their strengths. Students need to recognize their own strengths in order to recognize and appreciate the strengths of others.

Some strengths are obvious, like when someone is good at singing or playing sports, but many strengths are overlooked, like being a good listener or working well with others.

In academics, we often have a deficit-based approach, focusing on what students need to learn or work on improving.

What if we try a strengths-based approach? With a strength-based approach, we start by identifying what students are good at. By identifying strengths, it provides the fuel and motivation to spend time working on areas of weakness.

Download and display this poster in your classroom so you can launch a conversation about strengths. Spend time noticing and celebrating what each student is good at!